Friday, September 29, 2017

On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

  1. My body has a low stress tolerance

    I run a pretty tight ship around here – recipe testing, photography, workouts, blog posts, marketing and everything Fit Mixes related, and a pretty full event calendar, mean I have to be super organised. When I’m not, my stress levels shoot through the roof – what if I miss a social post, or worst, a magazine deadline? So my body loves to let me know I’m not coping that well – snacking on everything I can get my hands on, skipping workouts and not getting enough quality sleep.
  2. Exercise for wellness, not for weight loss

    Going to the gym every day and staring at your (non-existent) abs in the mirror can be down-right depressing. Go with the intention of bettering your heart health, strength or some other positive (and achievable) goal, and know that you are doing something great for your body – regardless of the scales. You’ll find you’re way more motivated to smash out a good session!
  3. More cardio does NOT equal more healthy

    At the beginning of last year I did a LOT of cardio – but it turns out that what is good for your heart, is not always good for your joints. I’ve pulled back from longer runs in favour of weight training or HIIT sprints. My knees are MUCH happier for that.
  4. It takes time to heal your gut

    I’ve been seeing a specialist over IBS symptoms for a little while. Instead of going down the western medicine route, I opted for a naturopath who is building up my good bacteria through herbal supplements. It’s no quick fix though – we’re looking at around 6 months of hard work to get this gut in balance.
  5. The contraceptive pill doesn’t agree with me

    There’s no denying that The Pill has done a lot for women over the years., but after 15 years of taking synthetic hormones, a doctor told me they could be the cause of my IBS symptoms. The pill impacts the balance of gut bacteria – who knew?!
  6. Never stop experimenting

    Whether it be with your morning juices, smoothie bowls, HIIT routines or yoga studios – keep mixing things up to keep your body and mind guessing. We’re creatures of habit, but sometimes embracing change is just what you need to do.
  7. Health is not a number

    I used to base my health on my weight. If I was heavier one week, I felt like a failure – regardless of the healthy meals, workouts and copious amounts of water I had drunk. So what’s really in a number? Throw away your scales pronto, and focus on the very real benefits of a healthy lifestyle – such as better quality sleep, more energy, clear skin and boosted immunity.
  8. My body is unique

    No one knows my body quite like me. When I’ve not fed myself enough, or not given myself enough rest, or worked out too hard – my body will let me know. All I have to do is listen.
  9. Small changes lead to great things

    One small change a month will lead you to 12 healthy new habits by the end of the year. More water, more veg, more walking – whatever it is you want to achieve, do it slowly and incrementally to weave it into your healthy lifestyle. It makes is much more manageable and you’ll be able to sustain it long-term!
  10. Most ambitious, driven people take on way too much. (Yes, I’m looking at you!)

    It can be particularly hard to figure out what to prioritise this time of year when we’re so focused on all the things we want to achieve. After all, who doesn’t want to get in better shape, make more money, start a business, take more time off, write a book, or in some way, live an extraordinary life? I’m all for having the biggest aspirations, but you don’t have to say YES to every opportunity that knocks at your door along the way – that’s a recipe for burnout. Many opportunities are distractions that take you away from your real purpose. Keep your eye on the prize and you’ll get there in a heartbeat!

Source: the-fit-foodie

Read more >> 8 Health hacks to make the holiday season SO much easier
On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

We all love a nice cold and refreshing morning smoothie, but you’ll love your smoothies EVEN MORE when you discover how you can transform them into NanaBowls…the protein smoothie bowls that are smashing nutrition.

The team at NanaBowls have put together their 5 must-haves to help you realise just how much healthier, and TASTIER your morning smoothie can be.

1. Fuel for those buns and biceps

First off, let’s talk protein. We always add a good clean protein powder to our bowls to guarantee we’re tucking into a nutritionally balanced meal (and not just a bowl of fruit puree). 

For the perfect balanced brekkie, try adding 20g of protein powder into your smoothie blend. Plant proteins like pea, brown rice and hemp are best as they’re dairy free so they won’t leave you feeling bloated like many whey and dairy based proteins tend to.

Protein World’s Slender Vegan Protein is a good choice. This simple addition will have you powered up for the rest of the day, whilst also making smoothie bowls the perfect workout fuel for all you gym bunnies and flexi yogis out there!

2. No added sugar, not even dates or honey

Sugar is one of our favourite topics (we could literally talk about it for hours)! See here’s the problem. If you’re suffering from bloating or gut issues, added sugars (whether refined or natural) may just just be feeding the problem. Literally!

To starve off that inflammatory bloat try avoiding all that sugary business. It’s goodbye syrups, sweeteners and dried fruit (even dates and honey are out)!
Well how about embracing the natural sweetness of a frozen banana or two? The natural fibre in bananas slows down the energy uptake, helping you avoid those sugar spikes. Plus the added creaminess frozen bananas bring to your blend is simply mind-blowing!

3. Healthy fats to flatten sugar spikes and energy slumps

There’s sugar in every smoothie bowl. Yes it’s fructose and glucose. And yes it’s natural. But it all still raises your insulin levels. When insulin is high, our bodies hold onto body fat. Here’s the secret weapon you can add to any and every morning smoothie to avoid this problem… Healthy fats.
A spoonful of coconut oil or a splash of coconut milk will do the trick, and if you don’t like coconuts, that’s cool too. Go for flavourless coconut oil or half an avocado. These good fats will keep your sugar, energy and insulin levels stable and help you avoid those dreaded energy slumps and food comas. This nutrition hack is what makes NanaBowls incredibly special. Revolutionary in fact.

4. Limit your liquids!

Apart from a dash of coconut oil or coconut milk, we try to limit other liquids in our blends. Provided you add frozen fruits and a frozen banana or two, your blend will come out nice and thick with a creamy consistency. Give it a go. It’s like smooth soft serve ice cream… but even better as it’s dairy free!

5. Nourishing toppings

Go ahead, run wild and trim your smoothie bowl with toppings galore! We’re talking crunchy granola, runny peanut butter, juicy berries and chewy superfoods like bee pollen. These extras are the cherry on top of your bowl of heaven! Plus, for all you food bloggers out there, topping with a little extra texture makes even the simplest smoothie bowls instantly Insta-worthy. Watch your ‘likes’ rocket up every time you add a bit more crunch!

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to #GrabASpoon and upgrade your morning smoothie bowl today! If you guys try these smoothie hacks at home, don’t forget to tag us @NanaBowls and let us know what you think!

Source: the-fit-foodi

Read more >> Nutritionist-Recommended Healthy Cafes in Sydney!

On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

We all want to incorporate healthier choices into our everyday lives but it can be difficult on the go! You’ve heard of superfoods but did you know that they’re not only found in health stores and green smoothies, but also in skincare and cosmetics?

By choosing products containing superfoods it’s easy to include health into your everyday routine without going to any extra effort. What’s not to love!

1. Green tea

This herbal drink is full of antioxidants and nutrients that help rid the body of toxins, promote weight loss and improve brain function. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties also makes green tea the perfect skincare ingredient in products like this 100% Pure Green Tea Cleanser. A cleanser that helps fight ageing? Count me in!

2. Avocado

Avocados are not only a delicious side to eggs in the morning, but also a nutrient rich superfood with amazing skin care benefits! This superfood is packed full of moisturising fatty acids and vitamins C and E, helping to improve your skin’s firmness and hydration. Avocado can be found in every day products like this Pai Hydrating Day Cream. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

3. Almonds

One of my favourite mid-morning snacks, almonds are not only the most nutritious nut, they can also be used in skin care to help create healthy, clear skin. Almonds are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants which help to remove dead skin cells and leave you with fresh and glowing skin.

This Weleda Almond Oil is a multi-purpose product that can be used as anything from a moisturiser to a makeup remover. Perfect for busy women who love to multi-task!

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has become a popular delicious and healthy alternative to traditional cooking oil. I know I love using it when I’m making dinner because it not only gives my dishes a unique flavour, but also helps ease digestion and boosts my metabolism! What you might not know is that not only can you use coconut oil to moisturise your skin and remove makeup, but it’s become a common ingredients in beauty products because of its many benefits! For example, I love the 100% Pure Coconut Shower Gel and matching not only because it smells delicious, but because the hydrating coconut oil keeps my skin feeling silky and smooth all day long!

5. Goji Berries

Despite their small size, Goji berries are filled with protein, minerals and antioxidants that help our immune systems and heart health. When included in skin care products, Goji berries can help reduce the appearance of sun damage and wrinkles, firm the skin and stop inflammation. So why not replace your regular night eye cream with one that contains Goji berries? Let your skin soak up the benefits while you get some much needed sleep!

Green tea superfoods for skin
Green tea superfoods for skin!

Source: the-fit-foodie

Read more >> Gym Gear + Grocery Shopping? Mix Apparel Hits Coles Supermarkets Today!

On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

Kick-start the new year with a new gym outfit (or two). From today, 740 of Coles supermarkets will be stocking a range of fitness-focused products – including a select range of Mix Apparel activewear. Look out for them in-store while you’re picking up your veggies from 4th – 29th January!

With Mix Apparel, you can style up while keeping the price down! With the majority of the range coming in at under $10, you can afford to lay your hands on a few new pieces. I rely on new gym clothes to keep me motivated to stay active – whether it be brisk walks, yoga or a tough session in the weights room, nothing peps me up like some fun creative prints or staple black tights. Seriously loving the ‘Move’ and ‘Inspire’ tees (below) that are a serious contenders to my usual (much more expensive) favourite quote tees. The wide neckline is really flattering and the relaxed fit gives you plenty of room to move.

Mix Apparel Edits (5 of 19)
Mix Apparel Edits (10 of 19)
Mix Apparel Edits (17 of 19)

If sweating it out in the gym isn’t your style, these value pieces are great for simply walking the dog, grabbing a coffee with friends or hitting the park for a stroll. Super comfortable (from personal experience), I’ll be wearing these to do my grocery shopping too – oh the irony!

With basics that can be styled up or down, plus the option of being able to liven up your mandatory food shop, I’m completely sold.

No excuses Fitties – convenient and wallet-friendly activewear is just one grocery haul away.

Source: the-fit-foodie

 Read more >> 5 natural skincare products you need in your cabinet!
On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

So the weather in Sydney has been a little insane lately. Half of Hyde Park has been shut down because there are broken tree branches everywhere. Storms have been ripping through the city and I have cocooned myself up in my little apartment to keep safe and dry. All well and good, but I missed my trip to the farmers market and alas, the fridge quickly fell bare. Enter fruit and veg delivery.

Here at Fit Foodie HQ, we’re all about convenient healthy living options. Because, the truth is most of us can barely make time in our busy schedules to get to the farmers market or health food store on the weekends let alone during the week – even more so when bad weather hits. Which is why I love the idea of getting all my fave wholefood products delivered straight to my door.

Chris prides himself on delivering the best fruit and veg boxes in Sydney, making grocery shopping so much easier for us busy bees. With everything from avocados to bananas, if you’re based in Sydney this will become your go-to grocery shop (without the actual GO)!

Chris Veg 1 (1 of 1)

I was lucky enough to receive my own box packed with delish goodies – including okra, figs, blueberries, carrots, capsicums, an array of herbs and so much more. The ‘Big Chris’ box is awesome value with 40-50 pieces of fruit + veg, and because it’s delivered so fresh, the shelf-life is longer than the supermarkets too. You can also build your own box, or order regular, smaller boxes – there’s something for everyone.

To top it off – theres minimal packaging and it arrived in a re-usable wooden crate (which is now sitting under my bed full of puppy toys!). I’ll use my next one for the boot of the car.
“Growing up we always had the freshest fruit and vegetables on the table at home and living in the eastern suburbs, so close to the beach, a healthy lifestyle is what it was all about. These days, fast food and supermarkets make it hard for households to source quality fruit and vegetables on a daily basis.”
“We all live busy lives – certainly my friends and I do and it’s one of the reasons I decided to start Chris Antico Fruit. I saw a way to add value and make our healthy lifestyles simpler and more convenient.” says Chris. Just don’t be fooled by the name – he also bring the goods on the veggie front too!
Staying fit and healthy is a priority for Chris. We’re totally on the same wavelength in that regard, which makes him a fave local business of mine! He knows eating the right foods and getting outdoors is the key to feeling fabulous.
Chris began by going door-to-door in the eastern suburbs delivering his boxes 3 days a week. Within a few short weeks he has now expanded into the North Shore, Northern Beaches and the Inner West.
On September 29, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

Christmas is a time of excess on so many levels. Drink, food, less exercise, more annoying family members, parties, high heels and sore feet. I’m all about enjoying a good knees-up during the festive season, but here’s a few great health hacks I employ for damage control:

Issue #1: You feel run-down

You’ve been in Christmas prep mode for at least a few weeks, work is actually winding up rather than down, and you’re facing a whole Christmas with your sister sleeping on the couch with her 2 year old. There’s a fair bit taking its toll on your body – it’s no wonder you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

Health Hack:  Try to maintain your exercise regime, to keep endorphins (your happy chemical) flowing, and think about introducing a greens supplement into your morning routine for extra vitamins and minerals. I take mine with some powdered magnesium after a workout to help with muscle soreness, and also quality of sleep. Show yourself some love by getting at least 7 hours of good-quality shut eye.

Issue #2: You’re eating too much

You think just one cookie will satisfy your tastebuds, but that quickly turns into six, and this is the third day in a row. We’ve all been there!
Health Hack: Think on it first – choosing your food mindfully is half the battle. Ask yourself, do you want to partake in over-eating? Does it make you feel good? Make sure you take the time to sit and appreciate what you’re eating, and chew your food well. Create your own awareness and choose your own outcome.

Issue #3: Your in-laws give you a headache

They’re lovely and all that, but having to have the same conversation with your in-laws about when they might be getting grandkids is waring thin.  On top of that, there’s a few late nights, a bottle (or two) of red wine, and family of 15 to feed. A mighty headache ensues.
Christmas pain point: headaches.
Christmas pain point: headaches.
Health Hack: Drink heaps of water to ensure it’s not caused by dehydration, and reach for some Nurofen to relieve pain, fast. If you need something that acts fast (who doesn’t?!) you can try Nurofen Zavance – with it’s special formulation it is absorbed up to two times faster that standard Nurofen so you can get on with planning your witty responses to the in-laws!

Issue #4: Your gym / studio closes over the holidays

Everyone needs a break right? Sometimes its a good thing to be thrown out of your usual routine.
Health Hack: Grab a mate and head to the park for some body-weight exercises such as lunges, burpees and squats or head for an ocean swim. You can also use it as an opportunity to try out the other studios that are open when you need them – and there’s often a free pass for your first visit. Think outside the box and try something new – salsa dancing, arial yoga, or head into the great outdoors for horse riding or even sledging!

Issue #5: The crowds stress you out

Nothing raises your cortisol levels (stress hormone) than having to wade through angry shoppers.
Health Hack: High levels of cortisol can wreak havoc on your body – I’ve been there and worn the t-shirt. Rather than hit the high street, stay at home and order gifts online. You can even get them gift wrapped in the process to save you that hassle too. Let someone else do the work for a change while you kick back and take some time out. Remember to keep that Nurofen Zavance on hand to relieve pain quickly – stress headaches are the worst!
Happy young woman holding a shopping bag on a blue background
Online shopping: never wrap a gift again!!

Issue #6: There’s tempting food everywhere

Your house and office is filled with chocolates and other goodies you don’t usually have access to and they’re calling your name!
Health Hack: The holidays are a time to let loose, so you shouldn’t have to miss out on tasty treats. Why not re-make your favourites with a healthy twist? When I want a treat, I replace sugar in baked goods with stevia, and when chocolates are calling, I have a few dates filled with nut butter. So yum, and easier on the waistline too!

Issue #7: You’re suffering from party burn out

Remember you don’t need to say yes to every invite that comes your way. Pick a few of your faves and ditch the rest – it’s a holiday gift to yourself!
Health Hack: Plan some time in your diary to rest and reboot – enjoy a delicious home cooked meal and a re-run of your favourite holiday movies. You’ll be so grateful for some time to recoup, and it will keep you happy and healthy.

Issue #8: You can’t sleep

You know Santa is on his way and you’re hugely excited to the point of no sleep. Either that, or you have a lot on your mind. There’s so much to do, people to see and things to organise that drifting off soundly can seem like a distant memory.

Health Hack: Start to wind down an hour before you want to be asleep, turning off electronic devices (that includes the TV) and try picking up a book. Reading for just 10 minutes can help to turn off that internal conversation, and clear your mind ready for bedtime. I also love applying a little lavender essential il wo my wrists and temples for an extra soothing effect.
Just remember that your health is your most treasured asset.
It YOUR holiday, so it’s time to prioritise you – don’t suffer through pain, stress, or feeling less than your best. Take time to properly look after yourself over the silly season and start the new year with a bang!


Read more >>  The Fit Foodie Cookbook Is Coming!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

Many people say they want to be able to run but don’t know where to start? I believe that everyone has the ability to run it all comes down to practice, preparation and patience.

Most importantly if you want to be a better runner you have to run. Don’t delude yourself into thinking just because you do a few circuit or yoga classes a week you are going to be able to run 15km straight.

The key is to start your preparation early and slowly progress your running distance.
  • I get all my first time runners to start with running 1.5km on a weekend then add 0.5-1km every week until they are running full race distance.
However often it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to train. Research shows that you can significantly increase your fitness with 15 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training. Dr Izumi Tabata a conducted an experiment where he compared one hour of moderate aerobic exercise 5 days a week (like most people do when they go to the gym), and a 20 second maximal work with a 10 seconds rest with 8 repeats 4 days a week. Dr Tabata surprising found that the 20s work to 10s rest protocol gave a 28% increase in fitness compared to the one hour protocol. So for a total of around 15 minutes of high intensity exercise a week you get 28% better results than if you do 300 minutes a week of moderate exercise.

The key if you want to improve your running performance with HIIT is to run at a high intensity for a short period of time.

Some great options are:
  • Hill sprints
  • Stairs
  • Treadmill intervals
Having a heart rate monitor is a great option to make sure you are working at the right intensity.

  • Suggested Program: 1-2 Long Runs and 1-2 HIIT Sessions
On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

Everyone wants to know where the healthiest yet tastiest eats are in their city, and luckily for us Sydneysiders, we have a lot of options.

From superfood smoothie bars, to uber healthy vegetarian restaurants, we have a health mecca at our fingertips, you just need to know where to go. Naturopath Emma Sutherland shares here favourite spots!

1. O Superfood

This is probably the best-kept secret when it comes to smoothie bars in Sydney. For anyone who is familiar with O Organic, that amazing organic café that has been in Surry Hills for 15 years, O Superfood is the newest creation of the owner of that. Mick Gay has been a chef for around two decades. He saw how much Sydneysiders loved their healthy, superfood ingredients and that is where he got the idea to create O Superfood. The smoothie bar has over 20 superfood ingredients sourced from around the globe. They also offer amazing salads and wraps that are super healthy and all dressed to order. Best of all, O Superfood it is situated on the healthiest street in Sydney, Oxford Street, Bondi Junction so it is right by Naked Foods, Paleo Café, Henley’s and more.

2. Bondi Wholefoods

Bondi Wholefoods is another great find as it pretty much has everything a health enthusiast could ever want from unique Turmeric and Matcha coffees to raw desserts, a great breakfast and lunch menu and it is attached to a health food shop. All the food they serve is organic, clean and untainted from toxic chemicals. They source all produce from farmers and producers who offer produce that aligns with their philosophy.

3. The Plant Gallery

This is an incredible new vegan restaurant that has just opened up in Bondi. Headed up by a French chef Juan Carlos and Dave, The Plant Gallery serves food that looks and tastes amazing, but also happens to be vegan, raw, gluten-free and free of refined sugars. As a unique point of difference, all food is measured on the PH scale which essentially shows how acidic or alkali that food is. This is important because every time there is an imbalance in your blood’s PH levels, your lungs, kidneys and liver have to work harder to fix it.

4. Proteini

Proteini is a great little find on Crown Street in Darlinghurst that lives by the mantra ‘love your gut’.The food they serve is gluten, sugar, dairy and wheat free while being really tasty and ‘gut friendly’. All food is made in-house and ingredients are sourced locally. Best of all, whether you are paleo, vegan, coeliac or other, odds are they will have dishes to suit your needs.

5. Nalini’s Wholesome Street Food

Nalini’s is a hidden little gem on Spring street in Bondi Junction. It is literally a hole in the wall, but it is such a good find. Nalini’s boast Probiotic Rich, 100% gluten-free foods, with dosa wraps (dosa is a South Indian savoury crepe made from fermented rice and lentils) being its main feature. This café has a tonne of gut friendly vegan and vegetarian meals that has an exotic international flavor.

6. Dandylion

Dandelion recently opened on Bondi Road and it offers an incredible vegetarian dining experience. The owners have travelled the world seeking vegetarian inspiration and from their findings they have created some incredible Mediterranean style vegetarian dishes out of it.


Emma Sutherland is a successful mum, author, clinical naturopath and TV presenter. She is also a spokesperson for O Superfood one of the most impressive smoothie bars Sydney has to offer. Located on Bondi Junction’s most popular health street, Oxford St, the vibrant café is passionate about bringing you nutrient rich smoothies, juices and salads that are packed with the best superfoods sourced locally and from around the globe. All smoothies are dairy free, vegan and gluten free; and the salads are fresh and dressed to order.

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments
So you’re visiting Sydney or have healthy friends arriving and you want to show them the ropes.
Rather than fumble your way around TripAdvisor looking for things that might suit, I’ve compiled my top things to eat, see and do to showcase a slice of the good life in my favourite city.
Grounds of Alexandria, Alexandria
Top Dish: The Healthy Plate
Rise and shine with The Grounds gluten free granola, vanilla bean organic yoghurt, fresh mixed seasonal berries, grapes, rambutan, selected nuts, dried organic mango crisps, fresh mango and a kale juice shot. It’s the platter of dreams.


Egg of the Universe, Rozelle
Top Dish: Perfect Circle Salad
Hands down the best salad i’ve ever eaten: a selection of raw + fermented salads, activated nut pesto, cashew cheese, tahini cream, green leaves + activated linseed crackers. You can literally feel your insides glowing. Theres also a yoga studio attached to you can totally bliss out. Take a seat in the leafy courtyard and order the daily changing kombucha.

Chiswick, Woolahra
Top Dish: Steamed trevalla, fregola, zucchini and broad beans.
Matt Moran heads up this delightful garden-restaurant. Food is locally sourced, in season and from the Chef’s own family farm (Matt Moran) or the onsite veggie patch.

Sadhana Kitchen, Newtown
Top Dish: White Chocolate + Salted Caramel Banoffee
I don’t know how this is legal. Aside form the insanely indulgent raw cakes on offer, they also offer Australia’s first Raw High Tea, in the event you were hoping for one hell of a healthy food coma.

  • Bondi Farmers Market, Bondi Public School Grounds.
  • About Life (5 locations) – whole foods market and health food store carrying everything from organic frozen berries (by the scoop) to house-made caramel slices (also available in party-size slabs), kale pesto, and everything else that makes you drool. Check out the Nourishment Bar for fresh daily salads catering for every dietary requirement known to man.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald Growers’ Market Pyrmont– sadly this is only on the first Saturday of every month (wish it was weekly!) but it holds the top producers across NSW, set on the Sydney Harbour. Find whatever has been freshly harvested (think hairloom carrots, oriental mushrooms and baby leeks) plus delicious coffee from Campos and fresh bread from The Bread and Butter Project. The perfect way to start your weekend: grab your brekkie on the way round,and sit by the warf looking out to the harbour bridge. There’s nothing like it.

  • Hom Yoga, Darlinghurst a beautiful bight-filled studio right next to the city with an excellent timetable of both energetic and calming yoga styles on offer.
  • Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk– the perfect walk for on a summers day. Stretching across 6km of gorgeous coastline, you can take in the beautiful views and escape the city madness. If you’re feeling energetic, join the hoards of runners that make this trip every weekend.
  • Scenic Cycle, Sydney– an indoor cycling studio that has revolutionized gruelling spin classes. Cycle the globe in your lunch hour with mind-blowing HD technology.

  • Best massage: Chakra Healing Massage, Shangri La
This unique and meditative ritual brings the bodies’ seven main chakras into alignment through fluid combinations of massage, healing crystals and guided meditation. This experience leaves you feeling calm and in a state of harmony.
  • Best Facial: Uspa, Sydney
A bespoke treatment designed by your therapist who chooses highly active plant extracts to give you a glowing complexion, naturally. It runs like this; a welcoming back massage, a deep cleanse, exfoliation, masks, cell therapy and a therapeutic face and scalp massage, followed by an eye contour wrap to take care of the delicate eye area and hydration treatment to nourish and protect. Seriously, you won’t recognise yourself.
  • Best Hair Salon: RAW Anthony Nader, Surry Hills
Dividing his time between New York and Sydney Anthony Nader is an international hairdresser and editorial stylist (think Harpers Bazaar and Vogue) who has a pretty long waiting list at his salon in Surry Hills. As one of Australia’s most respected and in demand hair stylists, he has a flair for making you feel like a natural goddess. Needless to say you might want to prepare yourself for the bill, but don’t forget, it’s because you’re worth it.

Enjoy your time here babes,
On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

You might have seen some star symbols on the front of food packaging recently (Aussies – this blog post is for you!). You may even have heard a bit about the a government ‘Health Star Rating‘ (HSR) in the news. While packaged food has a nutrition panel to explain the nitty-gritty, they’re not easy to navigate for most, and reading every one on your supermarket shop can be pretty time-consuming.

The HSR, shown clearly on the front of packs, aims to provide an easy way to compare similar packaged food to make better health choices. We’re all trying to make better choices for our health, and this seems like a tool to help simplify the process for us – exciting right?! But what does the HSR actually mean, and how is it calculated?

What is a Health Star Rating?

  • The Health Star Rating is a front-of-pack labelling system that rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food
  • Food is rated with anything from ½ a star to 5 stars.
  • It provides a quick, easy, standard way to compare similar packaged foods. The more stars, the healthier the choice.
  • The number of stars is based on energy, nutrients such as saturated fat, sugars, sodium and protein, and the fruit and vegetable content.

How it works

The system uses an algorithm to determine a star rating for products based on their nutrition.
The rating takes into account:
Positive factors: Such as the proportion of fruit, vegetable, nut and legume wholefood content. Nutrients such as fibre or protein.
Negative factors: Such as high amounts of saturated fat, sugars, sodium (salt) and energy (kilojoules). These are linked to an increased risk of obesity and diet related chronic disease, such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes, if consumed in excess of dietary guidelines.

How I use it

It’s important to note here that the HSR should be used to compare like with like products in their category – for example dairy products, or cereals. They do not provide an overall ranking of ‘healthfulness’ for your entire supermarket shop. For example, a 5 star cheese may not be ‘healthier’ than a 3 star cereal. That’s not how this works, people.
When I pick up a cheese in the supermarket that may be say, 2 stars, I would look for a different cheese with a higher star rating for a healthier alternative. Now that is helpful right? No more reading hundreds of nutrition panels to find the better cheese for your Sunday lunch platter!!
Try this: quickly compare your favourite cereals, muesli, and breakfast biscuits in your next shop.
I save heaps of time in the health food aisle looking at different organic popcorns, for example. It’s so hand to see something on the front of the packet for quick reference.
It’s also great for comparing similar canned foods, which is where I seem to spend the most time reading labels. It’s amazing how much salt can be sneakily added to everyday canned foods – such as tinned tomatoes. Make sure you check the health star rating on these to save time.


On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments
While a healthy diet can have as massive impact on your skin’s appearance, so does your beauty regime. Did you know that we absorb up to 60 percent of what we put on our skin? It’s time to spring clean your cabinet with these natural beauty buys and skip those harsh chemicals. Here are a few of our favourite tried + tested beauty products at Fit Foodie HQ – formulated to keep you glowing, naturally:

1) Silky Hydrating Body Lotion, Natural Instinct 

Being one of Australia’s leading natural skin care pioneers, you can be guaranteed that their products are made with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients. Free from damaging additives such as petrochemicals, parabens & PEGs, sulphates and silicones, you can expect a high quality natural product. This vegan friendly skin nutrition will leave you with a healthy glow their hydrating body lotion for banishing winter ‘crocodile skin’.


2) Rose Water Spritz, Cedar & Stone

As a natural skincare company, Cedar & Stone strives to minimize the harsh chemicals in our environment by sourcing earth-friendly ingredients. With a specialty in hydrating facial products, we found one of our favourites. For that spring-time scent and flowery appeal, try a spritz of Rose Water by Cedar & Stone as a toner or face-mist. 
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3) Moisturising Lipsticks, Neek Skin Organics

Neek Skin Organics understands that less is more, that what your skin seeks is simple and can be found in nature. This nature-friendly and vegan approach to beauty products means they avoid synthetic chemicals and use recycled packaging, so you can look great and feel great too. Lipsticks are coloured the natural way (rather than using synthetic dyes), and made on a base of Jojoba oil and Shea Butter. The perfect beauty solution for those with sensitive skin, their natural hues of lipstick are our current spring-time go-to. Our favourite colours to match the warmer weather include Sweet About Me +  Come Into My World.
Neek Vegan Lipsticks

4) Almond Soothing Cleansing Lotion, Weleda

Weleda is a sunstainable skin-care company with that uses strictly organic, wild-crafted and bio-dynamic ingredients. Being natural and organic, we found another must-have: a mild cleansing lotion and make-up remover which is especially great for sensitive skin.
Weleda - Almond soothing cleansing lotion

5) Sensitive Facial Cleansing Towelettes, Burt’s Bees

Burt’s ­Bees has been offering earth-friendly, natural health and beauty care products for over 30 years. With no parabens, phthalates, petrolatum or animal testing used for any of their products, these towelettes are perfect for removing makeup the natural way.


Read more >> Art-Meets-Activewear: An Interview with artist Laurie Nouchka
On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in , ,    No comments

I can’t contain my excitement.

After years of dreaming of having my very own cookbook, attending (what feels like) million’s of friends book launches, and blogging right here for 4 years, I can finally announce in March 2017, I will have a cookbook of my very own!

It will be an extension of the blog – high protein, delicious and simple meals that you can whip up in under 30 mins or less.

There will also be a dose of yoga, HIIT, mindfulness, meditation, travelling healthy, everything you need to know about my favourite superfood ingredients and a few more surprises.
So you might notice over the next few months while I cook, sample and write over 80 recipes, style and shoot them, AND write some hints and tips on wellness, fitness and overall health, I go a bit quieter on here (wish I had a body double!). I’m still reading all your wonderful comments, and posting to snapchat and Instagram, but perhaps just not so frequently. I’m working hard to make sure every single recipe is one you will want to create and enjoy at home.

Just a final note…I can’t thank YOU enough. My followers, readers and wellness gurus who have come with me for the ride. YOU have made this possible. Made my dreams come true. I could not be more grateful and humbled by your support. It truly blows my mind.
So much love to you Fitties.


Read more >> 5 inspiring reads every Girl Boss needs!
On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

How is that New Years Resolution of reading more books working out for you? Never fear…if you’re feeling a bit uninspired, here are my top reads for every girl or wanna-be entrepreneurs this summer. These inspiring and insightful books will get your creative brain flowing with ideas.  It’s always a good time to learn how to live your best life!

If you really can’t bear the thought of a night on the couch with a book (who has the time?!) why not get them as audiobooks so you can scroll Instagram while you listen?!

1. The Life Changing Magic on not giving a F**K – Sarah Knight

I don’t laugh at books, or cat videos, and rarely at TV – something really has to tickle me to get me giggling. THIS book is the exception. Warning – don’t read in public libraries or any place you need to maintain your cool.
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2. The 4-hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss

This step-by step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches how Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per MONTH and 4 hours per week. I think we all need a bit of that.


I had this on audiobook because I love how motivating Jen’s voice is. She’s also exceptionally sarcastic, which makes it all the more fun to listen to. Lessons on how to stop dreaming about your best life, and start actually living it.

You are a badass


Founder of million dollar clothing e-tailer NastyGal, Amoruso tells readers how to channel your passion and hard work, while keeping your insecurities from getting in the way.

5. Getting Things Done – David Allen

A game-changer in powering through that to-do list and become more productive than ever. The proven path for getting in control of your world, and maintaining perspective in your life – just what every #girlboss needs.


Read something inspiring recently? Share your favourite titles below!


Read more >> What to do when you can't meditate