Thursday, September 28, 2017

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

How is that New Years Resolution of reading more books working out for you? Never fear…if you’re feeling a bit uninspired, here are my top reads for every girl or wanna-be entrepreneurs this summer. These inspiring and insightful books will get your creative brain flowing with ideas.  It’s always a good time to learn how to live your best life!

If you really can’t bear the thought of a night on the couch with a book (who has the time?!) why not get them as audiobooks so you can scroll Instagram while you listen?!

1. The Life Changing Magic on not giving a F**K – Sarah Knight

I don’t laugh at books, or cat videos, and rarely at TV – something really has to tickle me to get me giggling. THIS book is the exception. Warning – don’t read in public libraries or any place you need to maintain your cool.
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2. The 4-hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss

This step-by step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches how Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per MONTH and 4 hours per week. I think we all need a bit of that.


I had this on audiobook because I love how motivating Jen’s voice is. She’s also exceptionally sarcastic, which makes it all the more fun to listen to. Lessons on how to stop dreaming about your best life, and start actually living it.

You are a badass


Founder of million dollar clothing e-tailer NastyGal, Amoruso tells readers how to channel your passion and hard work, while keeping your insecurities from getting in the way.

5. Getting Things Done – David Allen

A game-changer in powering through that to-do list and become more productive than ever. The proven path for getting in control of your world, and maintaining perspective in your life – just what every #girlboss needs.


Read something inspiring recently? Share your favourite titles below!


Read more >> What to do when you can't meditate


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