Thursday, September 28, 2017

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in , ,    No comments

I can’t contain my excitement.

After years of dreaming of having my very own cookbook, attending (what feels like) million’s of friends book launches, and blogging right here for 4 years, I can finally announce in March 2017, I will have a cookbook of my very own!

It will be an extension of the blog – high protein, delicious and simple meals that you can whip up in under 30 mins or less.

There will also be a dose of yoga, HIIT, mindfulness, meditation, travelling healthy, everything you need to know about my favourite superfood ingredients and a few more surprises.
So you might notice over the next few months while I cook, sample and write over 80 recipes, style and shoot them, AND write some hints and tips on wellness, fitness and overall health, I go a bit quieter on here (wish I had a body double!). I’m still reading all your wonderful comments, and posting to snapchat and Instagram, but perhaps just not so frequently. I’m working hard to make sure every single recipe is one you will want to create and enjoy at home.

Just a final note…I can’t thank YOU enough. My followers, readers and wellness gurus who have come with me for the ride. YOU have made this possible. Made my dreams come true. I could not be more grateful and humbled by your support. It truly blows my mind.
So much love to you Fitties.


Read more >> 5 inspiring reads every Girl Boss needs!


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