Thursday, September 28, 2017

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments
  1. You overeat healthy foods

    Avocados, nuts, olive oil, and cacao are natural and healthy as part of a balanced diet, but sadly they aren’t calorie-free (unless it’s your birthday ;)). You still need practise portion control with the good stuff.
  2. You’re not reading the labels

    It can be all-too easy to grab something from the supermarket shelf assuming it’s healthy, but have to read what’s hiding inside? Most of us don’t have the time to read the small-print, so use the Australian Health Star Rating to guide healthier purchasing decisions. 5 star products are the healthiest in their category, meaning comparative to other products on the same shelf, you’re picking the best of the bunch.
  3. You treat yourself more than once daily

    You have a biscuit with your morning coffee, a chocolate bar after lunch, and a bowl of ice-cream after dinner – you deserve it after the day you’ve had, right?! All the treats really add up. Try to stick to just one a day – and choose something nourishing, like dates with natural peanut butter. If you’re not sure what ‘treat foods’ look like, keep your eye on that health rating, and opt for the highest ratings where possible. Simples!

  4. You’re not drinking enough H2O

    Water is a super important part of any health goal. If you’re dehydrated, your metabolism isn’t doing its thing to the best of its ability. Also, when you’re thirsty your brain can confuse the message and you reach for food instead: low water intake = higher snack intake! Be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day bay keeping a bottle of water near you at all times.
  5. Sneaky hidden sugars in your favourite foods

    There’s so many different names for sugars, alcohol sugars and their derivatives – mannitol, sorbitol, dextrose, xylitol, glactose, isomalt, maltose, sucrose, corn syrups, fruit juice concentrates, invert, barley malt, beet sugars, fructose, honey….I can keep going but for the sake of time, let’s just say there’s a lot of sneaky additions to every day foods. You’ll find these in tomato sauces, pasta sauces, cereals and muesli bars are the main culprits. A great way to pick the healthier options is to look for the Health Star Rating labelling, and pick 5 star products where possible.

    Source: the-fit-foodie


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