Thursday, September 28, 2017

On September 28, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

1. Use Natural Make Up

You might think that these guys offer nothing by the way of coverage, colour or wear compared to their non-natural counterparts, but some brands have set to change all of that. There’s now a lot of earth-friendly, animal-friendly, skin friendly makeup brands that are breaking the mould with top-performing makeup that can out-perform some of your old favourites. Think Inika, Ere Perez,  and Luk Beautifood.


2. Exfoliate Regularly

Wonder how all the insta babes get their beautifully smooth, radiant skin? Time to get scrubbing. Removing old skin cells can reveal your naturally radiant skin. Shine baby shine!
I love this exfoliator from Jurlique

3. Eat whole foods

One of the most important things for glowing skin, whole foods make you shine from the inside out. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals all contribute to fabulous skin, so make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits and veggies to get your daily intake.

Chris Veg 1 (1 of 1)

4. Use skincare products that are made from nature

A lot of products are filled with chemicals and toxins that can easily be absorbed by our skin. As the biggest organ (weird huh?!) in our body, we have to take care of it properly. Look for products with recognisable ingredients. Want to know what to keep away from your shopping basket?

I love Simple As That for gentle, natural moisturisers, scrubs and toners. Seems my puppy does too.

humps 3 (1 of 1) 


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