Sunday, October 1, 2017

On October 01, 2017 by Unknown in    No comments

If you’ve been hanging around on my blog pages for a little while, you’ll know I’m regularly talking about how little time I have to cook. Strange, given ‘food blogger’ is my full time job right?! Things get in the way like content planning, emails, interviews and accounting. So when it comes to those who work long hours, have kids, maintain a gym regime and try to have some sort of social life, healthy food and sleep are the first to usually take a back seat.

So when I can across this new kitchen gadget that will literally save me about an hour a week in the kitchen, I got a little (over) excited. Anything that gives me more time for things like sleep, is treasured. Not only that, it helps get loads more veggies into your day, almost effortlessly – and that includes fussy kids too. Drumroll please…
Say hello to the new Kenwood ELECTRIC SPIRALIZER! Whoop!!
If you’re sat scratching your head, spiralizers make spaghetti out of any solid vegetable – think zucchini, beetroot, carrots, parsnips and more. I have a manual one at the moment I bought from Ebay for $5, and I use it on the daily. While it’s one of my favourite kitchen companions, I am always covered in vegetable juice and beetroot stains. I figure given the price I paid I can’t complain. Spiralizers are amazing if you’re avoiding gluten or cutting carbs, because you can replace almost any pasta or rice with these clever curls of veggies, and not feel like you’re missing out one bit.

This gadget also dishwasher safe, so there’s no finger-to-blades contact. I’m a little prone to kitchen accidents.

Now here’s where it gets interesting…

Not only does my new fave wonder product save stain-removal AND carbs, but I got mine for FREE by redeeming Membership Points at David Jones Online with my American Express Platinum Edge Card. With an RRP of $129, I actually didn’t spend a cent, and had it delivered to my door in just a few short days. When you shop online with David Jones, there’s a cool feature that allows you to pay with American Express Membership Points – either in part, or the full amount. That means if you don’t have enough points, you just reduce the total cost of the item (i.e. get is at a discounted price). It’s basically like having a DJ’s gift card to spend all sorts of fabulous things. I LOVE it. I treat myself to all sorts of lovely things – like plates, chopping boards and cutlery for food styling photos. It’s especially handy because I’m moving house soon and need a re-vamp of my everyday crockery without big expense.

To join in on this savvy money-saving hack, just use your American Express Credit Card on your everyday purchases – such as groceries and petrol, to rack up those lovely little points, then spend them online at DJ’s.
So now you have the best kitchen gadget of 2016, let’s get making some yummy stuff.

Recipe: Light + Tasty Zucchini Fritters

zucchini pancakes with cheese, food closeup
Perfect for summer entertaining or a healthy brekkie!

Serves 2


  • 4 organic free-range eggs
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes
  • 1 spring onion, diced
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 100g feta or goats cheese
  • Parsley and wholegrain mustard to serve


  1. Use your electric spiraliser to create zucchini noodles in a flash. If you don’t have a spiralizer just yet, you can grate the zucchini too.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the eggs, chili, onion and zucchini.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan on a medium-high health and dollop in the batter – allowing for 4 fritters.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes before turning and cooking for another 1-2 minutes, until golden brown.
  5. Remove to two plates and crumble over the cheese, then serve with freshly chopped parsley and a big dollop of mustard – my fave.
Handy tip: I bought all my ingredients from Woolworths who offer TRIPLE American Express Membership Points for every dollar spent. I’m already earning points for my next treat!

Read more >> 10 Things I learnt about my health in 2016


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